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Bit Converter

SKU: 19509 Category: Tags: , ,

Bit Converter



Bit Converter

A bit converter, also known as a pelham rounding, is used on pelham bits to change them from two-rein bits to one-rein bits. It is a leather strap that attaches from the snaffle ring to the curb ring, onto which the rein is then attached to the loop made between the two rings. A bit converter is very helpful when riding the cross-country phase of eventing, so that a rider using a pelham does not have to keep track of two reins— especially helpful when riding drop fences, which require the rider to slip the reins and then gather them back up on landing. It is also commonly used by children, who may have not yet become skilled enough to handle two reins with ease.

A bit converter is also known in some places as ’roundings’ or ‘pelham roundings’

Supplied In Coloured Pvc One Size

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
PVC Colour

Black, Brown, Cerise Pink, Fluro Blue, Fluro Green, Forest Green, Navy Blue, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Yellow